CORGANIX Continues!

29 Aug

Taking steps back to our “roots”…

Not only are we hearing from families eager to blaze “Corten Trails” into their neighborhoods… my office is getting hammered by preppers and survivalist groups nationally…

… especially considering the fact that Obama, Pelosi and Reid are basically doing all  the advertising we need, to “propel our own awareness”…

Oy, what an insane situation. The blind are quite literally leading the blind… and apparently deaf. 

I’m going to do a series of seminars…

… targeted predominantly at groups of families, large Prepper organizations and survivalist organizations to talk about building PERMANENT homes and even “fallback shelters” that are affordable, safe and energy efficient, BY HAND.

I’m talking about CORGANIX.

I think most of you already know about this exciting housing program, but if you don’t;

CORGANIX is basically taking an ISBU (Shipping container) and building ALL your services into it. Kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, shower room, etc…

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

Does this mean you get a “third world” kitchen? Nope. Check it out:

THIS can easily be accomplished, while providing ALL other “system and service needs”.

Then, you drop it onto a prepared foundation that you build using Sonotube scraps and concrete/rebar.

Once you’ve done this, you have everything you need in one place, from day one.

Imagine being able to take a shower and then heat a hot, home cooked meal in your new home, before it’s even finished!

You can then simply set ISBUs around that CORE, to form your home’s perimeter. Or…

Once in place you can use EARTHBAGS to build around it, creating a wing on both sides, one for “living and one for sleeping.”

Reclaiming the top of the ISBU, you can even create sleeping lofts for kids, while the adults sleep “downstairs”.

There will be several CORGANIX variations, from “vanilla” (pictured below) to Chocolate!

*It really can be as simple as THIS.

I know, it’s not “glamorous”, but with planters in the windows, a bench or two outside and a little creativity, you’d really be surprised at what you’ll have.

What you WON’T have is a mortgage sucking at your soul every month.

And obviously, you can use a High Cube ISBU (Corten Steel Shipping Container) as small as 20′ to accomplish this task.

Remember, the objective isn’t to LIVE in the container. The idea is to use it as a “big steel sardine can” to build all your required services into, all wrapped neatly and concisely into one package.

It’s “The Box that Rocks!” I tell you! 🙂

Beyond the ISBU itself, there isn’t anything “high-tech” about this home. In fact, it’s so simple that it’s easily do-able by a family and some friends. If a group got together and got organized, they could build a home a week once the CORES were completed.  Literally.

I’m serious.

And… you end up with a small, weather resistant, anti-ballistic home that you build with your own hands, for pennies on the dollar.

We are in the beginnings of building that prototype right now.

Better still, it’s easily “disguised and concealed.”

As more and more unrest and rumor brings this to a boil, we’ll see a migration of families out of cities. It’s already started.

(In fact, my new CORES already have wifi built into them to allow for sat links to “telecommute type” jobs.)

As many of us work on the internet, we can literally do it wherever we can find bandwidth.

As a “supplemental” – I’m working with a group that is actually building “bandwidth outposts” allowing small Isolated Communities to be birthed, in concentric circles around providers who will use sat uplinks to connect them together.

The wifi repeaters look like lamp posts. Seriously. You can’t tell them from a regular street lamp. And, they’re powered by a single photovoltaic panel and batteries concealed in the pedestal.

It gets better.  If someone flips a switch and shuts the Internet down to shut off communication beyond word of mouth “in order to help us help ourselves”… (Obama has already pushed the legislation enabling this thru) we have an “alternative bandwidth” solution that will allow communication between networked tribes.

Because, at some point, the “mob mentality” is going to take over.  I’ve been using the term “Riotology” for years to describe the “mindless masses – motivated”… Even copyrighted it. ;)

… and we’ll be ready.

*It should be noted that while the floorplan and all the construction details of the CORGANIX Project are the property of Renaissance Ronin, Container Home Consultants and it’s affiliates, the above color illustration/render is based on an actual Earthbag Community Center erected in South America and is provided ONLY to give you an idea about what an earthbag structure looks like in it’s most basic form.